MPC Studio & MPC Renaissance Tutorials

The MPC Renaissance is the flagship controller for the next generation MPC – the MPC Software. As well as the free MPC Renaissance and MPC Studio tutorials on this page, I’ve also written two entire books dedicated to MPC Studio & MPC Renaissance Tutorials; ‘The MPC Renaissance & MPC Studio Bible‘ (for MPC Software 2.x) and ‘MPC Renaissance & MPC Studio: Sampling Laid Bare‘ (for MPC Software 1.9) with hundreds of pages of hands-on tutorials covering everything you need to know about making beats on the MPC Renaissance & MPC Studio.

MPC Renaissance Review: Hardware

MPC Renaissance Review: The Hardware

By MPC-Tutor, | 6

In this MPC Renaissance review, I specifically concentrate on the hardware itself, including build quality, design, features and improvements over previous flagship MPCs.