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Using Logic Pro With The MPC

Using Logic Pro With The MPC

The ideal companion for any MPC head who also uses Logic Pro - no stone unturned!
$19.99 USD


You can create great beats using only your legacy MPC, but introduce a computer DAW into your studio and you really can take your production skills to the next level with quality software instruments, hard disk recording, advanced sequencing and pro-level mixing & mastering tools.

'Using Logic Pro with the MPC' is a micro-book written specifically for legacy MPC beat makers who wish to integrate Apple's Logic Pro in their studio, giving them instant access to a huge range of sounds for their MPC beats and a professional recording and mixing environment to give their music that professional edge.

Inside we quickly unravel the common problems MPC users experience with Logic:

  • Initial hardware and software set up
  • Using Logic as a sound module for your MPC
  • Syncing Logic with the MPC (with the MPC as either master or slave)
  • Recording and importing your MPC sequences to Logic as MIDI
  • Tracking and importing your MPC beats as audio

In this new 2nd edition of the book, you'll find carefully structured tutorials written in a clear, step-by-step style with screenshots and example project files for the following legacy MPCs: MPC1000/2500/5000/500/2000/2000XL/4000/3000/60 as well as full examples for JJOS Free/OS1/OS2/OSXL, so no matter which hardware MPC you run, you'll be syncing it with Logic in no time! Please note this book is NOT suitable for the MPC X/Live/Ren/Studio/Touch!

The included project files let you recreate all the examples in the book in both your MPC and Logic – also included is a Logic template that automatically sets up everything you need for Logic to be a sound module for your MPC.

Digital eBook Bundle Included!

Easily read your book anytime, anywhere - your download now includes PDF, EPUB and MOBI versions of the book, making it fully optimised for iBooks (iPad & iPhone), Kindle, and all other ereaders and smartphones, with of course full support for all computers, laptops and tablets.

This book keeps everything as simple as possible – there’s no unnecessary jargon and no need to use Logic’s scary ‘Environment’. Just all the important information you need to get you up and running quickly and effortlessly so you can use Logic’s stunning software instruments and mixing environment with your MPC.

Please note that this book is intended for legacy MPCs and is not compatible with MPC X/MPC Live/MPC Ren/Studio/Element.

Technical Specification:

Technical Specifications

  • Contents: 116 page PDF Micro-ebook, plus example tutorial files
  • Format: PDF, Logic project files & MPC Project files (PRJ)
  • Compatibility: MPC1000/5000/500/2500/2000XL/2000/4000/3000/60, Akai and JJOS & Logic 9 or greater
  • Publisher/Sound Design: Andy Avgousti (MPC-Tutor)
  • Delivery: Download instantly after purchase.
  • Price: $19.99

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What's Inside?

Inside you'll find 116 pages that teach you everything you need to know when using Logic with your MPC.

Below is a complete listing of all chapters inside this book:

  • 01 - Hardware Set Up & Requirements
    • Basic Requirements
    • MIDI & Audio Basics
    • Setting up your Audio interface & Audio Connections
    • MIDI Hardware Configuration
  • 02 - Using Logic As A Sound Module
    • Logic Software Setup
    • Creating Your Instrument Tracks
    • Setting the receiving MIDI Channels
    • Essential Project Settings
    • MPC Sequence Settings
    • Recording your MIDI Performances
    • Dealing with the Mix
    • Sound Module Template
  • 03 -Syncing Your MPC With Logic  
    • MIDI Syncing Protocols
    • Syncing with MIDI Clock (Logic as Master)
    • Syncing with MTC (MPC as Master)
    • Syncing with MTC (Logic as Master)
  • 04 - Transferring MPC Audio Performances into Logic
    • Why track our drums as audio?
    • Recording audio – initial steps
    • Audio tracking – ‘manual’ method
    • Audio tracking using MIDI Clock
    • Audio tracking using MTC
    • Overcoming recording problems
    • Multi track audio recording
    • Importing Audio into Pro Tools
    • Resampling your MPC outputs
    • MPC Audio Tracks (JJ OS)
    • MPC5000 hard disk recording export
  • 05 - Transferring MPC MIDI Sequences into Logic 
    • MIDI Import
    • Assigning imported MIDI to your instruments
    • Recording MIDI in real time
    • Fixing problems
  • 06 - Setting up your MPC as a MIDI Device in Mac OS X
    • Adding your MPC to MIDI Studio

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"I bought the first edition and I was pleased to see the level of detail that included. The 2nd addition takes this even further with more content and tutorials. The screen shots can be priceless if you are not sure of what you are looking at while figuring out something new. The tutorial files are very well laid out and easy to follow.

It should be said that this e-book is not meant to be an all out guide to using Logic or your MPC. “Using Logic Pro With The MPC” is a very focused and concentrated effort to walk the reader through using Logic, and all of it’s great instruments, with your MPC together seamlessly. With that in mind the e-book covers the core principles and concepts that will help you achieve that goal.

The book answered the question of “How do I use Logic Pro as a multi-timbral sound module?” for me with one little click of the mouse in Logic. Combined with what I already had set in Logic and on the MPC that one click made all of the difference in using Logic as a multi-tinbral instrument with my MPC.

I’d recommend “Using Logic Pro With The MPC” not just because it helped me solve my issue but because you also get the low down on tracking, midi syncing, multi tracking, MPC audio tracks etc., etc., and so on. Most of these things I learned over the years but you dont have to take the long route when you use this book.

Using Logic Pro With The MPC” is essential reading for those of you that are Logic owners that may be newly venturing into hardware music production with an MPC. Take it from BBoytech Report and save yourself some time. Final note… with the 2nd edition I now have a copy of the book on my iPad as a native e-pub formatted book. Nice"
Corry Banks, Editor,, October 2012

"I've just purchased and read your book "Using Logic Pro With The MPC" and loved it! Like many others, I've been trying for the longest to use my MPC 2500 within Logic to no avail until now! Your book was extremely helpful and idiot proof, which is perfect for a noob like myself. Thank you for keeping it simple and using screen shots for every example.
It has really helped me in my production process, and now I don't have to go out and purchase Native Instrument's Maschine!"
Ralph Ernest (A.K.A. 'Sincere'), USA

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Product FAQs

What Is An Ebook?

An ebook is an electronic book that you can read on your computer (or on a PDA, mobile phone, ebook reader, etc). Our ebooks also include folders of example files that allow you to recreate the tutorials as you read them. Our ebooks can be downloaded instantly after purchase and can be opened using any free PDF reader, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader software (most PCs already have this installed), or the built in \'Preview\' PDF reader found in all Macs, iPhones and iPads.

Does this book teach me everything about Logic?

No, this is not a complete guide to Logic, it has been written for MPC users who wish to use Logic with their MPC, for example, as a sound module, to track beats, to create polished mixes etc. We cover all the settings required to perform these tasks within Logic including basic Logic project and instrument set up and hardware configuration, but advanced Logic usage is beyond the scope of this book.

Does this book show me how to MIDI sync my MPC with Logic?

Yes - in fact in the book, we show you the three possible MIDI  sync scenarios:

  • MIDI Clock sync, with Logic as the \'master\' device
  • MTC sync with the MPC as master (i.e. the MPC controls Logic)
  • MTC sync with Logic as the master

Please be aware that MTC (MIDI Time code) is not available with the MPC500 nor the MPC1000 (unless running a paid version of JJ OS). In these cases, only MIDI Clock sync is possible and Logic requires that it is the \'master\' device.

How do I use this book?

Download the zip file from the link we provide and extract all the files to a folder on your computer. Inside this folder you\'ll see the book itself in three formats; PDF, EPUB and MOBI.

To read the book on a computer/laptop, double click the PDF file and it will open in your computer\'s default PDF reader (e.g. Adobe Reader, Mac Preview etc). To read on a smartphone, tablet or dedicated ebook reader, use your usual syncing method (e.g. via iTunes for iPhones and iPads, via USB for Kobo/Nook etc).

The best format for most mobile devices is the EPUB format, although for Kindle you should use the MOBI. Otherwise all devices will also read the PDF version.

As you progress through the book, you\'ll be prompted to load up MPC project files so you can recreate the tutorials in your MPC - these are contained within the zip file you downloaded.

Is this ebook available in paper format?

No, this ebook is only available in digital (format, which can be read on all computers and most portable media devices, such as smart phones, tablets, laptops and ebook readers. If you need a paper copy, you can of course print the book directly from your computer, or for our larger books, through stores such as Staples and Kinkos.

Can I make backup copies of my ebook?

Yes, once downloaded it\'s just like any other computer file and can be copied to a back up disk.

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