Learn how to extend the MPC’s velocity switching capabilities to build drum kits with up to 20 dynamic layers!

All tutorials, articles, reviews and news tagged by 'multisamples'
Learn how to extend the MPC’s velocity switching capabilities to build drum kits with up to 20 dynamic layers!
New MPC Expansion: MPC DX7 fuses the FM sounds of the mighty DX7 with analog oscillators, sample layers and MPC FX for a unique blend of retro and modern timbres.
Learn how to create realistic sounding acoustic drum kits in your MPC using 4 layer velocity switching.
In this MPC X, MPC One & MPC Live tutorial I’m going to take a look at the MPC Autosampler which allows you to ‘clone’ your favourite VST/AU instrument patches so they can be used as standard ‘keygroup’ programs in standalone mode.
Out Now: MPC-MS20 Synth Expansion – the classic analog sound of the Korg MS20 fused with the power of the MPC.
Pad Pimps are proud to present MPC-J60, an MPC recreation of one of the most iconic analogue synths ever made, the Juno-60, featuring over 100 multisampled instruments built for all modern MPCs, dripping with analogue warmth…
Just Released: MPC Analog – fat analog synths directly inside your MPC with this collection of fully multisampled analog synth patches and custom analog one shots.
Download this FREE double bass expansion for MPCs, suitable for all modern MPCs and most legacy MPCs.
Multisampled vintage & modern electric bass guitars with over 50 sound patches for the MPC X, MPC Live & all MPC Software controllers.
A vintage multisampled 70s Ludwig drum kit for MPCs and Maschine, complete with ready-made finger drumming layouts.